
Top area

4 core elements of the top area

There are four key elements in the topmost area of GoldenCompass: i) the login area, ii) the personalization area, iii) the nation and language settings area, and iv) the search input area.
For details on the login area, see the "Login area" page.
For more information about the Personalization area, see the "Personalization area" page.
For more information about the Nation-Language settings area, see the "Nation-Language settings area" page.
For more information about the search input area, see the "Search input area" page.

Favorites-Register current pages to My Portfolio

GoldenCompass allows you to save your original pages (URLs) to your individualized space, My portfolio. My portfolio allows you to "give a first name" to multiple pages (URLs) and store them in a hierarchy. By effectively utilizing this feature, you can generate one or several of your own favorite schemes, and by leveraging the share-open feature of My portfolio, you can i) share your favorite schemes only with specific people, or ii) open/expose them to third parties for the purpose of promotion/marketing, etc.

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