
Company-wise comparative analysis area

Location of company-wise comparative analysis area

Company-wise comparative analysis area is located at the bottom of the PatentPia GoldenCompass main page.

Company-wise comparative analysis function map

Most important feature = Company-wise comparative analysis

Up to 100+ comparisons analysis and visualizations are provided for an arbitrary group of companies.
There are two types of comparisons with companies: i) a given set of companies (thematic company groups provided by PatentPia, etc.) and ii) a customized set of companies (uploaded by the user).

Composition of company groups by topic

There are four main kinds of thematic company groups offered by PatentPia. They are: i) listed company groups, ii) series of companies that make up the composition of a company group, iii) thematic company groups, and iv) events occurrence company groups. The kinds of company groups for comparison will be continuously expanded. In particular, company groups related to governance, supply chain, ETFs, etc., company groups by various topics/theme/purpose, and companies related to M&A/investments of global market leaders will be provided.
We provide contents of company groups for comparison with companies utilizing PatentPia GoldenCompass, using Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment partial company group of US Nasdaq as examples of comparison with companies by business category by nation/by market, Samsung group affiliated company as an example of affiliated company group, secondary battery related companies as an example of theme company group, and Apple M&A/investing company group as an example of event company group. If you click on the chain (link) marks that are attached to each item in the utilization map above, the example page will open in a new window.

Comparative analysis contents scheme with companies

Up to 100 types of analysis contents and visualization contents are provided for the company group to be compared.
Users can also change the kind of charts, chart titles, or analysis axes that compose the visualization contents by themselves. Reports in editable MS Word files are generated with just one click for the comparison analysis contents.
Using Apple as an example, we provide analysis contents for comparison with companies utilizing PatentPia GoldenCompass. If you click on the chain(link) marks that are combined to each item in the above utilization map, the example page will open in a new window.

Example of Comparison Analysis Contents

Various time series and analytical indices are provided for the company group being compared.

Utilizing user company groups (customized company set)

There are two ways to utilize user company groups (TRACK). There is i) a one-time company comparison track and ii) an ongoing company comparison track that utilizes company groups issued to My portfolio.

One-time comparison with companies track (coming soon)

The one-time comparison with companies track will be implemented via "Excel upload" in the analysis area of the comparison with companies by company group in Company Home.

Continuous comparison with companies using My platform track

The Sustainability comparison with companies track is implemented in My portfolio.
Step 1 : Register companies in My portfolio (mass registration with Excel vs. search and register one by one)
After downloading the upload form, upload a large number of companies at once using Excel
Step 2 : Select multiple issued companies
Step 3 : Select Comparison Analysis menu
Select a menu to analyze the comparison with companies selected. It is necessary to select the nation (intellectual property office) for comparison.
Step 4 : Provide comparison analysis contents
Step 5 : Generate other comparison analysis contents by clicking the menu
Step 6 : Other
You can further utilize it by transforming charts, generating reports, downloading and sharing data, etc. For details, please refer to the Analysis Result Page Function Map of "GC Analysis Result Page" as contents.

Company Search

2 tracks of company search

Company search track by entering company name

Step 1 : Search term input field
To search for a company by entering the company name, enter the company name in the search box at the top of the page.
Step 2 : Enter a search term
Step 3: Select a company from the search results
Step 4 : Go to the selected company

Search for companies with specific attributes

Search for companies with specific attributes/characteristics/conditions. The important thing is that the search term you enter does not have the company name. The attributes/conditions include keywords or metric conditions. For example, search for companies related to blockchain with patent size between 10 and 100.
Step 1: Enter the search term
To search for a company by entering the company name, enter the company name in the search box at the top of the page.
Step 2 : Select Advanced search
Step 3: On the Advanced search page, enter your search criteria
Step 4 : Click Search results
Step 5 : Go to the selected company

Related contents

(References)My portfolio company registration and comparison analysis with companies