
Companies in the group

Companies in the group data mpa

Companies in the group utilizing analysis contents

Location of companies in the group analysis contents

The companies in the group analysis content is located on the 'Affiliates & Subsidiaries' tab within 'Company-wise comparative analysis' in GoldenCompass main page.
After selecting the desired classification, click “Detail page” and you will be presented with various analysis for the companies that correspond to the selected classification.
On the analysis results page, click on the various comparison analysis menus to see the results of the desired analysis. For affliated companies, you will also be provided with: i) stock market data such as market capitalization, etc. and ii) financial data such as revenue, profit, etc. With these stock market data or financial data, you can create, share, and report on various charts. To create a chart, simply click on the chart type menu (e.g., 2X2 Matrix, Wing, etc.).

Companies in the group data processing