
Analysis of patents from R&D funded by US government

US national government-funded R&D and patenting analysis utilization maps

Among US government-funded R&D organizations, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) under the Department of Defense is used as an example to provide US national R&D performance patent analysis contents using PatentPia GoldenCompass. If you click on the chain (link) marks that are attached to each item in the utilization map above, the example page will open in a new window.

US government-funded R&D performance and patent analysis utilization process

To access the analysis of patents from government-funded R&D in the United States of America, go to → Theme of technologies area, and click on the pool → "Patents for creating research projects conducted by United States Government agencies” field in US.
DARPA is located on the 'Patents generated by research projects conducted by United States of America government agencies' page, click on Department of Defense [DOD], and you will see a list of DOD organizations that include DARPA, where you can click on DARPA.
The analysis contents for patents from R&Ds funded by government-funded R&D at DARPA appear. If you are analyzing by office within DARPA, select the office for your purpose.