Co-occurring keywords data map
Using “augmented reality display” as an example of keywords, we provide co-occurring keyword contents utilizing PatentPia GoldenCompass. If you click on the chain(link) marks that are attached to each item in the above utilization map, the example page will open in a new window.
Defining co-occurring Keywords
Co-occurring keywords are keywords that appear at the same time as a specific keyword within a certain scope of the same document. Depending on the specific scope, it may be: i) within the same document, ii) within a specific area of the same document (title of invention + abstract + patent claims), ii) within the same paragraph, iii) within the same sentence, iv) within the same image or within a specific part of the same image, etc.
PatentPia focuses on co-occurring co-keywords within a specific area of the same document (title of invention + abstract + patent claims) in the PatentPia GoldenCompass.
Measurement of co-occurring
As (KWi, KWij), the co-occurrence of a pair of keywords is basically measured based on the patent number. Accordingly, it is possible to subdivide the measurement by i) time of day, ii) right holder/inventor corresponding to the patent number. In addition, the date when (KWi, KWij) first appeared within a certain category (e.g., nation, specific company, specific researchers, etc.) and the date of its most recent appearance are also measured.
Co-occurring keywords data processing
Utilizing co-occurring keywords data in PatentPia
GoldenCompass analysis service
Utilization of co-occurring keywords data in GoldenCompass is represented by i) input keyword items, and ii) co-occurring keywords analysis contents. Input keyword items include i) keywords themselves, ii) keywords of companies, and iii) keywords of researchers. Co-occurring keyword analysis contents include i) Rising co-occurring keywords, ii) New appearing co-keywords, and iii) Specialized co-occurring keywords.