
Compare companies by theme

Comparison with companies by theme model data map

Composition of company groups for comparison with companies by theme

Composition of company groups by theme through My platform

Users can compose company groups by theme by gathering two or more companies for their purpose into one theme. My platform provides the ability to register, save, manage (add/delete), and utilize company lists by folder. In this case, the folder in My platform where company lists are gathered can be a theme, and the folder name can be the theme name.
For details on how to register, store, manage (add/delete), and utilize company lists in My platform in bulk, refer to [Link]. On the other hand, for details on how to register, store, manage (add/delete), and utilize company lists in My platform one by one, please refer to [Link].

Company groups by theme provided by PatentPia

The PatentPia Company Home provides example companies by theme. There are over 1,000 themes available, and the list is growing steadily.

Composition of company groups by topic

There are four main kinds of thematic company groups offered by PatentPia. They are: i) listed company groups, ii) series of companies that make up the composition of a company group, iii) thematic company groups, and iv) events occurrence company groups. The kinds of company groups for comparison will be continuously expanded. In particular, company groups related to governance, supply chain, ETFs, etc., company groups by various topics/theme/purpose, and companies related to M&A/investments of global market leaders will be provided.
We provide contents of company groups for comparison with companies utilizing PatentPia GoldenCompass, using Industrial And Commercial Machinery And Computer Equipment partial company group of US Nasdaq as examples of comparison with companies by business category by nation/by market, Samsung group affiliated company as an example of affiliated company group, secondary battery related companies as an example of theme company group, and Apple M&A/investing company group as an example of event company group. If you click on the chain (link) marks that are attached to each item in the utilization map above, the example page will open in a new window.

Comparison analysis between theme companies

Between theme companies, comparison analysis metrics include: i) portfolio, ii) impact, iii) globalization, iv) quality, v) share/concentration, vi) R&D continuity, vii) patent transactions (purchased), viii) litigation, vx) trials, and x) standards/FDA approvals/government-funded R&D. Note that share and concentration are only valid metrics when the field is specific.

Example of Comparison Analysis Contents

Various time series and analytical indices are provided for the company group being compared.