Series/Context of researcher analysis contents
The following series of researcher analysis contents are provided by PatentPia GoldenCompass. The researcher analysis contents are rich and varied in the GoldenCompass scheme, and we recommend that you use them appropriately according to the context (application location/use environment/utilization environment).
Researchers' own analysis contents
Researchers' own analysis contents refer to the analysis contents provided by GoldenCompass when 1 researcher comes in, and its own (input/selected) item is 1 researcher.
GoldenCompass provides analysis contents such as i) various trends, ii) related companies, iii) various keywords included in invented patents, iii) various fields related to patents (technology, product/parts, material field, etc.), iv) related researchers, v) events related to invented patents, vi) patents, etc. for all (open and issued) patents invented by a researcher in a specific nation.
The details are discussed in the analysis contents of the researchers below.
(Note) Jonathan Ive reportedly left Apple in 2019, but patent application is confirmed until August 2023.
Analysis contents for a researcher's specific field
Analysis contents for a researcher's specific field refers to the analysis contents provided by GoldenCompass when one specific field of a researcher is entered, and its own (input/selected) item is one specific field of the researcher. Specific fields include i) keywords, ii) technology fields, iii) product-parts fields, iv) materials-materials fields, v) patent classifications (CPC, etc.), vi) concept fields (coming soon), and vii) other fields.
The analysis contents for a particular field of a particular researcher are different from the analysis contents for that particular researcher, with three additional parts. The added parts are i) analysis contents of share/concentration of researcher on field related to that specific field, ii) analysis contents of comparison with researchers related to that specific field, and iii) analysis contents of lower fields of that specific field of that specific researcher.
Analysis contents for Researchers related to other researcher
GoldenCompass provides analysis contents of domestic and foreign researchers related to a particular researcher, either patently or in events. Analysis contents for other researchers related to a researcher are contents for other researchers, domestic and foreign, related to that researcher's patents, when a researcher is entered and its own (input/selected) item is researcher 1.
A researcher's associated researchers can be i) domestic and foreign researchers inventing related patents , ii) technically related researchers , iii) collaborating researchers (co-inventors), and iv) others.
Researchers inventing related patents
Researchers possessing related patents include i) domestic and foreign researchers possessing trailing patents that cite a patent set invented by the researcher, ii) domestic and foreign researchers possessing preceding reference patents that cite a patent set invented by the researcher, iii) domestic and foreign researchers possessing patents that are patentologically similar (keywords, technology/patent classification, etc.) to the patent set invented by the researcher.
The example below shows the analysis contents for the inventor of a subsequent patent that has many citations to a specific researcher (inventor).
Researchers with high technology relevance
Highly technology relevant researchers include i) domestic and international competing researchers. Competing researchers are generated for each nation (intellectual property office) through AI modeling, based on a comprehensive consideration of i) keywords, ii) classification information such as patent classification/technology classification, iii) citation network such as forward citations and references, and iv) size of the researcher, etc.
Comparison analysis with researchers inventing patents within a field
GoldenCompass provides various analysis contents on researchers who invented patents in a specific field (keyword, technology/product-part/materials-substance/patent classification (CPC), etc.).
Classification of researchers
Researchers analysis contents for specific fields are provided by company group classification. Researcher group classifications include i) key researchers , ii) leading researchers , iii) rising researchers , iv) specialized researchers , v) new researchers , vi) researchers at universities/research institutes, etc.
Key researchers: Researchers who have invented many patents in a particular field
Leading researchers : Researchers whose invented patents related to field have received many citations
Rising researchers : Researchers whose invented patents related to field are increasing rapidly in recent years
Specialized researchers: Researchers whose invented patents are concentrated in a specific field
New researchers : Researchers who have only recently patented inventions in a particular field . Researchers entering the market for new technologies
Researchers at universities/research institutes : Researchers at universities/research institutes who invented patents related to field
Kinds of analysis
GoldenCompass provides comparison analysis contents between researchers with patents in possession in a field.
The kinds of comparative analysis are i) index comparison, ii) trend comparison, iii) forward citations comparison, iv) patent families comparison, v) quality comparison, vi) comparison by kind of events, vii) share comparison, and viii) concentration comparison.
Rapidly changing researchers by index
GoldenCompass provides analysis contents of comparison with researchers with rapidly changing patents in possession in a field by index.
The indices are i) No. of published patents, ii) No. of issued patents, iii) Number of citations, iv) No. of patent families, v) Quality, vi) Number of events, vii) Share, and viii) Concentration.
Collaboration/co-invention networks
GoldenCompass provides analysis contents of co-inventor networks among researchers with patents in possession in a field, who have jointly invented patents. The network analysis is also accompanied by network visualization contents.
The example below is a network of collaborating researchers(co-inventors).
Analysis contents for companies related to researchers
GoldenCompass provides analysis contents of domestic and foreign companies that are patent or event related to a specific researchers. The analysis contents for companies related to a researcher are contents for domestic and foreign companies related to that researcher's patents, when the own (entered/selected) item is researcher 1.
Researchers' related companies include i) domestic and foreign companies possessing related patents, and ii) companies possessing related special patents.
Companies possessing related patents
Companies with related patents include i) domestic and foreign companies with patents in possession of trailing patents that cite the researcher's inventing related patent set, ii) domestic and foreign companies with patents in possession of preceding reference patents that cite the researcher's inventing related patent set, and iii) domestic and foreign companies with patents that are patentably similar (keywords, technology/patent classification, etc.) to the researcher's inventing related patents.
Companies possessing related special patents
Specially related patent holders are domestic and foreign companies that i) have a cited, referenced, or similar patent relationship with a researcher's invented patent set, and ii) hold patents related to special events. Special events include i) transactions, ii) patent transfers through M&A, iii) litigation, iv) judgments, v) standards, vi) use in government-funded R&Ds, vii) national R&D achievements, etc.
Analysis of comparisons with researchers from multiple companies
Given multiple researchers, GoldenCompass provides analysis contents for comparisons with researchers.
Example of a group of multiple researchers
Representative examples of multiple researcher groups include: i) prominent/genius researchers in the industry, ii) researchers in the company's field, iii) researchers to be recruited for themes/up-and-coming/new market entry items, iv) researchers belonging to M&A/investing companies, v) researchers belonging to companies in the supply chain, vi) researchers in competing companies' fields, etc., and vii) random researchers generated/entered by the user.
Example analysis of comparison with researchers from multiple groups (coming soon)
The "Researcher Home" page of PatentPia GoldenCompass provides examples of multiple groups of researchers and links to comparison analysis contents (coming soon)
When you select the upper classification → mid classification → lower classification, the summary analysis contents will appear on the right. "Quick Analysis Contents" has a "Menu UI" that allows you to briefly view analysis contents such as various indices, trends, events, etc. At the bottom, there are visualized charts that correspond to the analysis contents.
If you want to see the original detailed analysis contents, click the "Go to detailed page" button. You will be taken to a page with more than 100 detailed comparison analysis contents.
After selecting "Go to detail page", the comparison with researchers contents will appear.
At this point, selecting an individual researcher will provide analysis contents targeting that individual researcher.
How to upload & use multiple groups of researchers: via My portfolio vs. uploading an excel from Researcher Home
There are two ways to upload multiple groups of researchers and utilize them for comparison with researchers: i) via My portfolio, and ii) via Excel upload from the "Researcher Home" page.
To upload multiple researchers from My portfolio and utilize it for comparison analysis, please refer to the "Systematic registration & management of interests" page of the manual related to My portfolio.
If you're looking for something simple and relatively disposable, you can upload to Excel from the "Researchers Home" page.
Analysis contents for comparison with researchers in multiple groups
The analysis contents of the comparison with researchers belonging to multiple researcher groups include i) index, ii) patent portfolio, iii) impact, iv) fidelity, v) quality of patent, vi) events, etc.
For reference, the analysis contents of comparison between multiple researchers in a particular field include vii) share and viii) concentration of researcher on field.
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